Where to Start? This post is probably a long time in coming, but I thought I'd better discuss how to approach the Gitz if you're a newer player. For long-time readers (if there are any ) it probably hasn't escaped your notice that I've not posted many decklists. That's been a conscious decision on my part: I'm the first to admit that while I'd regard myself as a competitive player, I'm raising two little Goblins of my own (the younger one is five today - happy birthday Emma!), so my opportunities to test the theory is somewhat limited. So, while I can't provide a concrete endorsement of the Best Possible Gitz Deck (tm), I am more than comfortable providing a starting point for newer players In addition I'll also put together a Buyer's Guide that will lead into a decklist. I'll also give some overall commentary on how best to get the Gitz to function as an entity. I've covered this previously, talking about individual fighter...